Red Sea Crisis Turning Out to be a Big Nightmare Amidst soaring tensions and geopolitical strife, global exporters find themselves navigating treacherous waters as freight...
The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (Texprocil) has appealed to the Union Textile Minister Piyush Goyal to remove the Customs Duty on cotton as it...
Levy the Anti-Dumping Duty on Polyester Spun Yarn Requested Expressing the sincerest appreciation, with regard to recommendation of DGTR to levy the anti dumping duty...
United Arab Emirates (UAE) is been seen as an important market for Indian apparels as there is huge untapped potential for increasing exports. Speaking at...
Exports of cotton yarn, fabrics, made-ups, handloom products etc from India showed a positive growth of 14.82 per cent in September 2020 compared to September...
The year 2019 witnessed around Rs 20,000-crore market share loss for China in the apparel segment alone and post-COVID- 19, the declining trend has been...