In a significant stride towards global prominence, Raymond is on the brink of achieving the prestigious title of the world’s third-largest suit maker. With a...
Embark on new journey of Mango’s consolidation as the brand fortify the foothold in Switzerland with the grand reopening of the Zurich boutique nestled at...
Jack & Jones is thrilled to announce the grand opening of its 1000th store, marking a monumental milestone in the brand’s journey. This significant achievement...
In a significant collaboration, NEXT, the esteemed UK-based fashion retailer, has extended its partnership with Myntra by granting distribution and management rights to Myntra Jabong...
British retailer Next has released its full-year results for 2023, marking a significant milestone with “record high” pre-tax profits surging by 5 percent to 918...
Nestled in the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district, at 26 Rue Saint Sulpice, Pomandère proudly unveils its inaugural Parisian flagship. Established in 2008, this esteemed...
American Apparel is making a triumphant return to the Australian market, along with its expansion into New Zealand, unveiling its latest season’s lineup through online...
Tata Group’s value retail fast fashion chain, Zudio, has launched its newest store in New Delhi, as confirmed by an industry official’s social media post...