Gap Inc. has announced the appointment of Sven Gerjets as its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Gerjets, a seasoned technology leader, brings extensive experience from...
Embark on new journey of Mango’s consolidation as the brand fortify the foothold in Switzerland with the grand reopening of the Zurich boutique nestled at...
Mango experienced a remarkable surge in turnover in 2023, with a 15% increase totaling over 3.1 billion euros for the first time. Adjusted for constant...
In 2024, Mango embarked on a global brand promotion initiative, aiming to fortify executive leadership across image, brand, and customer experience realms. Spearheading this endeavor...
Berta Moral, Director of Mango Kids and Teen, proudly accepted the prestigious “Protagonist of the Year 2023” award in Madrid. This esteemed recognition, presented by...
Mango recently reported a turnover of £1.8 billion in 2021, with online sales accounting for 42%. Mango profits rose to their highest level in almost...
Spanish fashion retailer Mango has launched a new capsule collection of accessories manufactured using 3D printing technology. Items in the collection have been created using...