Retail Trade


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Second lockdown impacts sales

The latest figures from The Office for National Statistics found retail sales volumes fell 3.8 per cent in November compared to October.

The loss came as many stores ceased trading after a second national lockdown for England forced the closure of non-essential retailers.

Clothing sales fell 19 per cent for November, while food stores and household good stores were the only sectors to grow their monthly sales.

Despite the closures, retail sales grew 2.4 per cent year-on-year, which the ONS suggested could be a result of customers bringing forward their Christmas spending.

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Online retail rose to account for 31.4 per cent of total retail, up from 28.6 per cent in November and achieving a 74.7 per cent increase in overall growth when compared with November 2019.

Retailers commented that despite extensive online Black Friday promotions, the enforced closure of stores had affected sales.

“The sector has struggled to recover from the initial declines witnessed immediately after the first set of national lockdown measures, and remains 30.5 per cent below February’s level,” The ONS said.

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