Manufacturing News SustainabilityEase Anti-dumping duty (ADD) on (VSF) says IndustryPerfect Sourcing NewsdeskNovember 22, 2020November 23, 2020 by Perfect Sourcing NewsdeskNovember 22, 2020November 23, 202002069 The apparel industry of India has always been a dominant player in cotton garments and even though apparels made of man-made fibres are popular all...
Global Manufacturing NewsGovt to offer production-linked incentives to man-made Textiles.Perfect Sourcing NewsdeskAugust 25, 2020October 19, 2020 by Perfect Sourcing NewsdeskAugust 25, 2020October 19, 202002618 Will this Open New Avenues for India in MMF Segment? When the GST was introduced in 2017, the tax incidence of 18% for man-made fibre...