Red Sea Crisis Turning Out to be a Big Nightmare Amidst soaring tensions and geopolitical strife, global exporters find themselves navigating treacherous waters as freight...
The ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia has left shipping companies in India in crisis. The shipping activities in Northern black sea are closed and...
A Task Force has been constituted by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (MoPSW) under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary(PSW) to monitor evolving situation...
After attaining crisis proportions earlier this year, shipping containers are again in short supply, which is increasing logistics costs for exporters and making businesses uncompetitive....
American Eagle Outfitters recently acquired logistics startup AirTerra, a startup cofounded by a former e-commerce logistics authority at Walmart and Nordstrom. AirTerra combines packages from...
Rising prices of shipping containers is going to impact the prices of goods. Retailers have also warned of further disruption and delays for goods this...
The COVID crisis has exposed some critical serious flaws in supply chains across all sectors of business, including critical ones for industries such as Pharma...