Bemberg™, the renowned brand of cupro fibre by Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan, has announced its collaboration with leading luxury couture label Anita Dongre to unveil...
India’s leading fabric brand, Liva, is excited to announce its participation in Bharat Tex 2024, a global textile mega event celebrating the seamless fusion of...
Lenzing recently launched the Tree Climate fabric collection by Tencel where it branded lyocell fibers under this new collection, which offers a wide range of...
To digitalize the supply chain of apparel industry, Lycra unveiled online portal The LYCRA ONE™ which will include latest innovations, fabric library, knowledge center, certification...
The textile ministry has received applications from as many as 67 companies to avail benefits of the production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for man-made fibres...
The LYCRA Company, a global supplier of sustainable solutions for stretch and performance technologies in the apparel and personal care industries, announced the launch of...
The big Swadeshi drive in paramilitary forces envisaged by Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah has gained fresh momentum with a new agreement for supply...