Sudhir Dhingra, CMD, Orient Craft Ltd

Its wonderful to know that your publication “Perfect sourcing” is soon to touch upon a milestone of completing 10 years. Many congratulations to you and your team.
I must say that publications such as yours which have not only brought around the news but also more awareness in the textile and garment segment help build a sensitivity towards this industry in general. Let’s continue to bring this industry to the forefront of the Indian Economy and on the global map.
Keep doing the good work, here’s wishing you great success in years to come.

Ashok G Rajani, Former Chairman Aepc

I am delighted to learn that Perfect Sourcing is completing a decade very shortly. How time flies! I met this enthusiastic Bubbly girl Deepti along with her husband Gagan who had a twinkle in her eye and a determination to succeed and reach glorious heights when they had just started, and I am proud to acknowledge that they have striven very hard to connect and foster growth in the Apparel Export Trade with their Magazine.
The Articles have always been very contemporary and crisp and I think they have definitely achieved, if not in full measure, but substantially what they set out to achieve!
I wish them All The Best and my Heartiest Congratulations to them on this momentous occasions. Wishing them All The Best!

Raja M Shamugam, President, Tirupur Exporters Association

Firstly I congratulate perfect sourcing for a decade long service done to this Textile and apparel Industry.
Publishing the timely and relevant news to enlighten the concerned government departments and all the stakeholders is really a sort of yeoman service to the society, because this industry provides livelihood for millions of households. PERFECT SOURCING has done its job perfectly.
I wish this service should continue for good to help the industry to grow and help to sustain the well being of our Country’s Economy.


First of all I would like to compliment you for guiding the apparel industry all through the last decade with your publication PERFECT SOURCING. Perfect Sourcing has always enlightened the textile and apparel industry not only with the latest news and updates but also enlightening the industry through the articles on latest technology, machinery, fashion trends, brand updates etc
I wish you grow manifold in the next decade

T.R.Vijaya Kumar, Managing Director, CBC Fashions Asia Private Limited, Tiruppur

Perfect sourcing is one of the best journal in releasing apparel related news and also perfect sourcing is doing good job in organising exhibitions and events to promote apparels in market.. I wish perfect sourcing to grow more heights in coming years and serve more for growth of industry in coming years..

Suresh Babu, Senior GM-CMD and Projects, Gokaldas Exports, Bangalore

Congratulations !!! Happy to know that your magazine “ Perfect sourcing “ completed 10 successful years !
This is one of the top circulating magazine in the country connecting people across apparel industry with information pertaining to Apparel experts, Technology, Innovations, Manufacturers, Exhibitons, market analysis and business forecasts!
I once again congratulate all the family members of perfect sourcing team for this achievement.. also wish to see you completing many such anniversaries and reach new heights. Good luck.

Sanjay Bansal, Managing Director, Shiv Shakti Embroideries (P) Ltd

Perfect Sourcing has been a great source of information for the textile industry. Along with news regarding domestic market, I have been particularly impressed by the international news and trends it reports on. A thorough report of the international market has been a good indicator of what to expect in the coming years.
My only feedback would be to improve the mobile application, if the magazines were to be presented in the form of articles it would’ve made for a better read. If the information can be compartmentalised according to the various segments in the industry (like manufacturing, retail, technology) as it has been on your website, I think that it would make a big difference.

Naseer Humayun, Managing Director, Indian Designs Exports Pvt Ltd

We would like to congratulate Perfect Sourcing on completing 10 years in publishing the magazine.
The magazine covers comprehensively the issues affecting the garment industry. The regular coverage of prominent garment exporters from India is also very informative.
The write-ups and the advertisements about the new innovations in the textile and garment industry are very useful.
We wish Perfect Sourcing and its dynamic editor Deepti Marwah the best for the next few decades.

Nimish Dave, Ceo, Idea Smith

Perfect Sourcing as the name suggests has offered Perfect and valuable services to the entire apparel industry over the last one decade.
Deepti and Gagan’s passion to excel has been the driving force behind this immensely informative trade publication. If knowledge is the fuel that powers the growth engine of the industry, then Perfect Sourcing has fuelling the growth very successfully.
I offer my gratitude and at the same time wish the entire team of PS the very best of success. May the coming decade more successful than the previous one.
Best wishes and Congratulations!