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Rouge Vila ready to cater premium market segment

Bestseller brand

A couple of years back, VILA A/S unveiled ROUGE VILA, a sub-brand targeting the premium market segment. The team is geared up to propel this youthful brand to greater heights.

But they’re not embarking on this journey solo.

Stepping into the role is fashion entrepreneur Melissa Bech, who now leads ROUGE VILA.

With a track record of founding multiple independent fashion labels, all renowned for crafting timeless designs using premium materials, Bech is an ideal fit for this ambitious sub-brand.

“ROUGE VILA is for the modern woman who values timelessness and longevity, and Melissa knows this woman better than most – that’s why I’m confident she’s the right person to realise the full potential of the brand in collaboration with skilled VILA colleagues,”

says Simon Khong Harbjerg, Brand Director at VILA, with

Melissa Bech
Melissa Bech

Melissa Bech adding:

“I’ve always dreamt of being part of something big and using my experience with brand building in a global context. The timing is perfect for me to join BESTSELLER, and I can’t wait to work across the entire value chain.”

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