Fashion News

Fashion e-retailer Asos to launch Gen Z-focused brand this October

Brit online fashion retailer Asos is geared up to launch an all-new brand for the Generation Z wearers or Gen Z, as we say it. The label is expected to be launched in the month of October this year. The maiden outing will be “the sign of what this first contingent of six want the future of the fashion industry to look and feel like”, Asos reportedly mentioned.

As per reports, the brand will be called ‘Collusion’, which is being designed by six young students, stylists, activists, image-makers, authors and Youtubers.

The aim is to launch a brand in line with today’s fast-changing fashion needs. The online retailer will invite influencers to re-imagine Collusion and work on new designs, to keep it updated in the fashion market.

To make it a popular affair, the online fashion company will initiate a campaign in the UK, which will feature 100 British young people who have turned, or will turn, eighteen this year.

More updates on Collusion and its array of creators will be shared soon.

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