News Sustainability

Textile finishing tech provider Jeanologia joins SAC

Spain-based Jeanologia, the world leader in sustainable and efficient finishing technologies for textile, coding, packaging, and other industrial applications, has joined the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), a global alliance of retailers, brands, suppliers, advocacy groups, labor unions and academics.

The company will use SAC’s sustainability measurement suite of tools, Higg Index. Developed by SAC, the Higg Index enables brands, retailers, and facilities of all sizes — at every stage in their sustainability journey — to accurately measure and score a company or product’s sustainability performance. The Higg Index delivers a holistic overview that empowers businesses to make meaningful improvements that protect the well-being of factory workers, local communities, and the environment.

Jeanologia will contribute both data and resources to support the Higg Index, which measures sustainability performance and drives supply chain transparency and decision-making to improve efficiency and sustainability impact.

Markedly, Higg Index is an indicator-based suite of tools that enables suppliers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers to evaluate materials, products, facilities, and processes based on environmental performance, social labor practices, and product design choices.

“The transformation of the textile industry into a more sustainable one needs to be done by bringing together all industry stakeholders. SAC is doing so setting up the necessary standards to measure sustainability performance of the complex textile manufacturing process,” Begoña García, Jeanologia R&D Sustainable Process Team, said.

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