

In order to help Prime Minister NarendraModi’s insight and perception of making India a $5trillion economy till 2024 , Indian Texpreneurs Federation (ITF) submitted an 11 – point appeal urging textile minister SmritiIrani to improve the competitiveness of textile sector .

An online survey which was carried out formed the basics of suggestions by ITF in which 320 of 563 ITF members textile entrepreneurs participated . Their suggestions is in the wake of increasing inefficiencies of textile sector coupled with worker shortage and rise in manufacturing cost .

ITF urged the Govt to form a task force with stakeholders and strong regional manufacturing association to identify short – term and long – term solutions to increase the exports .

ITF also suggested one joint secretary from Union textile minister to visit the industry to facilitate growth opportunities and work towards the impaired areas .

Branding sustainability factor in Indian textile industry , ITF suggested to imitate the concept of green process and green factories across India .

Apart from this , ITF wanted a special scheme by the govt for promotion of large scale apparel manufacturing and announce cotton technology mission to achieve 1000kgs per hectare in the next few years .

These suggestions can help textile industries with plentiful raw materials and a spike in farmer’s income and cutting down the volatility of cotton prices .

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