At IIT Delhi, the facility was facing issues getting Hand sanitizers in large quantities. Even when they were available, vendors were charging exorbitant amounts and quality was suspect.
Out of frustration, V Ramagopal Rao Director IIT told one of its Chemistry professors, why don’t you guys prepare them in IIT, why is it such a big deal? He replied, for such a small thing, you don’t need an IIT Professors it can be done by our technical staff. Lo and behold, in flat two days, we have 50 litres of hand sanitizers meeting WHO standard (certified by IIT Profs). All at a negligible price.

Head, Chemistry sent an email to all other departments saying anyone who needs them, can come and collect. That is the ‘spirit’ needed to fight Corona………..
Proud of our staff. Kudos to J P Singh, Technical Superintendent and Rajbir Singh, Junior Lab Assistant, Chemistry Department at IIT Delhi.