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Davide Rotondi from Rotondi Italy highlights situation in Italy

Davide rotondi

When Coronavirus affected in China, it looked that it would never leave China and would never involve us and we thought  everything will be OK for our country and company. Now, after 3 months, the Italian government has placed all population of 56 million people under quarantine as it battles to contain the spread of coronavirus. We are only just awakening from our illusions of invulnerability.

Working in Rotondi, every day is a new challenge. We are forced to be super flexible because Italian fashion changes often, and if we do not keep up with fashion – we lose. This ability helped us to comply with the new labour rules. We have been encouraged or directed to work from home in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, running under “reduced hours”, wearing a mask, etc.

loiko group

Rotondi Group took every precaution to help ensure the safety and well-being of employees. Also, the production departments received enough protection equipment so we can continue working without affecting the produced quantity of machinery.

Even we do not buy anything made in China, we must recognize that China makes up a third of manufacturing globally, and is the world’s largest exporter of goods.

The activity decreased in the “workshop of the world” as factories paused their operations to try to contain the spread of Covid- 19. Clothing factories are dependent on the import from China, for at least buttons, zippers, needles, but it is already enough to slow-down or stop the activity. On the other hand, the fear of the coronavirus outbreak means also that some people are choosing to avoid activities that might expose them to the risk of infection, such as going out for shopping and the customers are buying less.


Most of the Indian garment factories are still active and purchasing new equipment from Rotondi. In the long-term, there is going to be a positive impact as well. International companies, which until now manufactured in China, now are looking at alternatives, and India is one of the options. It scores ahead as it has a complete supply chain. The local industry manufactures over 100 different types of garments for men, women, and children.

While we cannot currently predict how long this situation will last, we remain confident that all we can recover quickly once the pandemic is over. The people are eager to turn their social lives back on. Of course, the big question is how long does this coronavirus outbreak go on? For China, it took 2.5 months, and we hope Europe gained their “fighting” experience. For the good of all, we have no right to waste more it.

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