News Technology

Orange O Tec Sells First Mini Lario in India

Mini Lario was introduced in ITMA 2019 at Barcelona, Spain has been sold to almost to seven Mini Larioswere sold globally during the exhibition. Jay Industrial Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Which is mainly into garmenting bought the first MINI LARIO in India. The printer uses reactive ink from Hunstman. “ The company Jay Industrial is an active user of MS and was looking for a solution for conventional technology; they found that Mini Lario can be substitute to Flat bed printing,” said AayushRatthi from Orange-O-Tec. He also added. skilled labour is an issue in their factory and as they already had 4 JP7 they didn’t wanted more number of machines, instead they wanted one machine to take up job of four machines.

Mini Lario has been developed to fill an existing gap in the market between the Lario and the JPK-EVO in terms of speed and ROI. The 64 printheads allow Mini Lario to reach the incredible maximum printing speed of 1094 m/h (setting: 2xCMYK -1500/3000). Mini Lariofeatures include bold solutions such as positioning the printing carriage hang on the printing bridge. This solution allows for high-speed, accuracy and total system stability.

He also mentioned that as compared to European countries only 1% of India’s textile printing market is now digital.

Orange Group is the sole distributor of MS Printing Solutions Italy, a global leader in digital textile printing technologies. It has already sold 135 Digital Textile Printing (DTP) machines of MS in India, holding now approximately 50% market share in the high speed printing segment. The company is associated with Ganga Fashions, Vishal Sarees, F-Studio, VaishaliSarees, Kimora Fashions, Glossy, RTC, Krishna, Kankaria textiles, Indo Count, MRC, Lotus Knits, Mallow International and many more by catering to their day to day digital printing needs and offering best of the services.

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