Government is providing financial assistance of Rs. 18.18 Cr for each Apparel and Garment Making Center in North East States under North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme( NERTPS).
Each Apparel and Garment Making Centers consisting of 3 units of 100 machines is set up with 100% Government funding and the facilities are made available to entrepreneurs having background in textiles/fashions for starting their units in ‘Plug & Play’ mode.
To create an integrated workspace and linkages based entrepreneurial ecosystem for promoting entrepreneurship in apparel manufacturing; and generating additional employment opportunities, Scheme for Incubation in Apparel Manufacturing was launched during the 12th Five Year Plan.
During this period three project were approved viz, Incubation Centre in Gwalior; Incubation Centre in Apparel Manufacturing at Bhubaneshwar and Panipat.