Manufacturing News Technology

Ima S.p.a. defying tough times via offering cutting machines to manufacture medical textiles

As we all know that Italy was one of the worst affected areas from Covid 19 and is still struggling hard to get out of the situation. However, tough times always give courage to do better. Walking on the similar lines Ima Spa that is into automatic cutting machines has engaged itself in supplying the technology for making mask and ppe kits which are good in offering in both quality and quantity.

With its experience of more than 43 years the company is helping its customers who are into production of medical textiles like masks or ppe kits.

“Many of our italian customers are converting their productions and so we are ready to supply them with our complete line for Medical. Flexibility is our philosophy and with some special accessories our machines can perfectly adapt even to this kind of production to reach the best quality with the highest productivity,” said Mirella Sardini, President, Ima S.p.a.

For example the cutting machine offered by the company can be fitted with some hardware (blade lubrification kit and blade air cooling) and software options to match Medicals needs.

“Two weeks ago, one of our technicians was requested for an essential modification by a customer to his IMA automatic cutting machine to be more productive in the manufacturing of surgical masks. The customer received a big order of masks for “Esselunga” supermarket chain,” said Mirella.

Automatic cutters can help in making masks at high speed and in good volumes as well. She informed thay a customer in Iran is producing with IMA cutting machine model for 30 cm compressed fabric around 39,000 per 9 hours.

“We are able to supply a complete line for producing masks and ppe kit. The advantage is that our customers can produce for Medicals without stopping their factories and when emergency is finished they can pass easily to their traditional production without changing cooling) and software options to match Medicals needs,” informed Mirella

“Two weeks ago, one of our technicians was requested for an essential modification by a customer to his IMA automatic cutting machine to be more productive in the manufacturing of surgical masks. The customer received a big order of masks for “Esselunga” supermarket chain,”
Mirella Sardini, President, Ima S.p.a.

She feels that that every country in the world must start the production of masks and ppe equipment locally in order to keep safe its own citizens. “So for sure I think this kind of production will be even much more requested for many months,” added Mirella..

In Italy, the Government has activated some funding/finacing for converted companies, so the company is ready to produce for them to provide cutting-edge Technology. “This virus forced us to change our working habits and certainly in a very short time we had to react to adapt ourselves to the new situation of lock down,” said Mirella. With the flexibility and experience we have we can offer digital channels as webinar, tutorial, video and all those means that can help our customers in their business.


Concerning the kind of masks machines can produce the company confirms that with its line it can produce any kind of masks, the most popular are the one for civil use. “Most of our italian customers are producing this kind, but of course we can produce also FFP2. This depends from the process applied after our phase. So after spreading and cutting then there is a process to which masks are subjected which depends on the numbers of layers for example and other criteria that can make them certified ffpe etc,” she concluded.

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