Popular Indian actor Tiger Shroff has launched his personal activewear label Prowl. The brand’s launch event took place in Mumbai on September 10, 2018. The actor has introduced the brand in collaboration with Mojostar, a celebrity-driven house of brands.
“Prowl was designed with one goal in mind i.e. to address the existing white space in the Indian active-wear market with differentiated products designed specifically for today’s young, physically-active generation,” stated Jiggy George, Managing Director of Mojostar.
Notably, Mojostar recently partnered with actress Jacqueline Fernandez for her fitness brand Just F.
The Prowl brand aims to capture the interest of young and fitness conscious Indians. The collection, comprising T-shirts, tanks, shorts, sweatshirts, joggers, trackpants and compression wear, will be retailed from INR 1,000-3,000 (US $ 15-45).
Addressing the need to retail online, the brand will be available for grabs on the Prowl’s website and Amazon Fashion, India’s leading e-commerce retailer, as well.
“Fitness, fluidity, and fashion are the three mantras I live by, and I feel that the Prowl collection delivers on all three counts. The brand is tailor-made for the evolving requirements of today’s young, physically-active Indians who want to be fit and fashionable at the same time,” the actor said in a statement issued.