News Sustainability

Renewable energy, sustainability new ambitions for trade fair organiser Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt

Germany-based Messe Frankfurt, the world’s largest trade fair organiser, has announced that it will be switching to 100 percent renewable energy by the year 2020.

The switch to renewable energy includes the power supply for all stands, halls and exhibition grounds at the company’s Frankfurt base. The company’s partner in the switch is Frankfurt-based energy provider Mainova AG.

Notably, Messe Frankfurt’s standard energy requirements are similar to those of a town with around 40,000 people.

By switching over entirely to renewable energy sources, the company will eliminate 19,000 tonnes of CO2 every year.

“Given that 80 trees compensate for approximately a tonne of CO2, you would need more than 1.52 million trees a year to offset this quantity of CO2. As a partner, we are acting on the desire among our exhibitors and guest organisers for an environmentally friendly approach to trade fair management,” the company said.

In the case of new buildings and renovations, forward-looking, energy-optimised construction and efficient operation are vital, for example with compound cooling systems between the exhibition halls, it added.

Adapting air-conditioning for specific facilities, preparing energy consumption graphics to raise employee awareness, or having an effective building automation system are also a part of the initiative.

The move away from conventional energy sources is a further milestone in implementing its long-term strategic measures in the field of sustainability.

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