Manufacturing Sustainability

Arvind Ltd and Gap Inc. Launches the Global Water Innovation Centre for Action (GWICA)


To tackle water challenges faced by the global textile and apparel industry, Arvind Ltd launched world’s first open-source innovation centre for water sustainability in apparel in Ahmedabad, India.

Key components of the partnership include sewage water treatment plant, Global Water Innovation Centre for Action (GWICA), repository of knowledge, training initiatives, R&D lab and incubation, showcasing innovations and collaborative spaces.

The sewage water treatment plant is a cutting-edge facility unveiled in 2019 at Arvind’s Naroda denim processing unit in Ahmedabad which has helped eliminate the reliance on fresh water in processing, championing sustainable manufacturing practices through its innovative Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology.

In the face of local water scarcity challenges, the facility reduces business risk by decreasing its dependency on freshwater and now the entire manufacturing process is done using reclaimed water at this facility, the companies said in a joint media release.

GWICA is an open-source repository, both physical and digital, housing a wealth of knowledge products focused on water management in apparel manufacturing. It will develop new resources as technologies evolve and collaborate with external water and apparel experts to curate materials, ensuring a continuous flow of expertise and insights.

The heart of innovation at GWICA lies in the state-of-the-art Research and Development lab. This facility serves as a launching pad for piloting and incubating six innovative water solutions. By supporting and nurturing emerging technologies, it aims to revolutionise water management practices in the apparel sector.

GWICA offers immersive tours of Arvind’s cutting-edge installations, providing first hand experiences of hi-tech solutions.

Additionally, it will create platforms for innovators and start-ups to showcase water-saving advancements.

Through these initiatives, it will actively promote and celebrate the strides being made in sustainable water practices.

Water is one key input and over the years, and the company has achieved key milestones like removing its dependence on freshwater and using 100 per cent recycled water for textile production. Its major manufacturing facilities are now equipped with ZLD.

Adoption of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems has led to a 93 per cent reduction in its wastewater discharge, the release added.

Gap Inc is a longstanding partner for Arvind with ambitious water goals of its own.

By 2030, the company aims to become water neutral in its manufacturing and owned and operated facilities and empower 5 million people touched by the apparel industry to access to clean water and sanitation.


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