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Zhejiang INA Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd Acquires ETON Hanger System


Zhejiang INA Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd Acquires ETON Hanger System

Three subsidiaries of Zhejiang INA Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd; Shanghai Yiteng Automation System Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai;DBS Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Suzhou Barnard Information Technology Co., Ltd. announced its formal establishment, and the launch ceremony in Shanghai.

Francis Ang, President of Twin Star Group Head of various subsidiaries along with media, industry associations and customer representatives witnessed the launching ceremony and ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The President also explained the  situation of the subsidiaries and the mid-to-long-term strategic development.

He mentioned that INA will continue to develop in the field of intelligent manufacturing and will work towards serialization and completeness of 4.0 products to provide customers with 5G.

LoT intelligent of whole plant solution is the main objective. The three newly established subsidiaries will all play a very important role in system engineering and software services.

The acquisition of ETON hanger will give INA not only market expansion but also product improvisation in the relative field.

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