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AEPC greets loan restructuring but awaits rollout of revised ECLGS

AEPC greets loan restructuring but awaits rollout of revised ECLGS

AEPC greets loan restructuring but awaits rollout of revised ECLGS

Welcoming the RBI’s decision to extend the provision of restructuring of MSME loans,

Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) Chairman Dr A Sakthivel requested the government for immediate rollout of its recent decision to widen the scope of emergency credit.

“This is a very timely decision as thousands of small and medium enterprises are facing severe financial crisis and the extension of the provisio

n to restructure MSME loans for borrowers with loan outstanding up to Rs 25 crore till 31 March 2021 will give a fresh lease of life to many,” Dr A Sakthivel said.

The Chairman, however, said that the MSME sector, which plays an important role in the growth of the Indian economy,

contributing 28 per cent of the GDP and 40 per cent of exports while creating jobs for 11 crore people, need additional funding to get over their cash flow problems which is disrupting normal operations.

“The government has proactively provided for additional funding of up to Rs 3 lakh crore at a concessional rate through Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for the MSME sector.

And, considering the amount sanctioned till date, which is less than half, the Ministry of Finance last week expanded its scope by increasing the outstanding loan limit to Rs 50 crore from Rs 25 crore,

and turnover limit to Rs 250 crore from Rs 100 crore, for extending the benefit of emergency credit to more borrowers.

“While we have requested for increasing the outstanding loan limit to Rs 100 crore and doing away with the turnover limit for exporters, we request the government to execute the partial relief which it has provided.

Necessary instructions need to be sent urgently to the banks for executing the revised guidelines under ECLGS,” Dr Sakthivel said.

He added that the liquidity problem at the working capital front is not only hurting normal functioning but is also impacting new job orders and credibility as reliable business partners.

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