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SVP Group to Develop Project in Rajasthan; to boost employment and Support Textile Also

SVP Group to Develop Project in Rajasthan; to boost employment and Support Textile Also

SVP Group to Develop Project in Rajasthan; to boost employment and Support Textile Also

Rajasthan would soon host several development projects in the textile, defence and aviation sectors.

For this, the state government has entered into an understanding with SVP International Group for an investment of Rs 4,000 crore for development of facilities related to these sectors.

SVP Group would develop a project for defense and aerospace including aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities.

In presence of Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, an MoU was signed to this effect on Wednesday at the CM residence.

As per the agreement, SVP Group would develop a project for defense and aerospace including aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities, an aviation academy and another project related to textile.

These projects would generate employment for more than 4000 people.

During the MoU signing, Industries Minister Prasadi Lal Meena, Minister of State for Industries, Arjun Singh Bamaniya, Chief Secretary Rajeev Swarup, Additional Chief Secretary Finance Niranjan Arya, SVP Group Chairman Vallabh Pittie and other officials were present.

Principal Secretary Industries Naresh Pal Gangwar and SVP Group Executive Director Praveen Shelley signed the document.

Commissioner Investment and NRIs will be the Member Secretary, Managing Director RIICO, concerned District Collectors, Director Civil Aviation and representatives of SVP group will also be the members of this committee.

Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said on this occasion that state government is committed to providing a conducive environment for industry to come to Rajasthan and grow together.

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