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This Indian Garment Manufacturing Hub Is Recycling Polybags Used In Factories



The garment manufacturing hub of India, Tirupur is exploring new ways of staying as a sustainable production cluster.

As per the Government notification earlier, the garment manufacturing industry in the region has been directly excused from the prohibition of single-use plastics.

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board is now gearing up for the recycling of plastics used in the garment manufacturing facilities.

“About 500 units are manufacturing polybags amounting to 20 tonnes in a day, which are used in both domestic and export knitwear units. The thickness of polybags and polybag rolls ranges from 20 microns to 60 microns,” Tirpur Plastic Manufactures Association reportedly mentioned.

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The State Government of Tamil Nadu has earlier permitted EOUs (export oriented units) to use polybags. The allowance was further extended to the local garment manufacturing factories too.

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